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diesel therapy

diesel therapy n. the continuous or unnecessary transport of a prisoner from place to place, especially as a form of reprimand or punishment, but also as a result of bureaucratic mistakes. Also bus therapy. Editorial Note: A similar term, Greyhound...

bus therapy

bus therapy  n.— «“I could be put on the ‘Merry-Go-Round,’” he writes. “In federal prisons, when a prisoner is en route, he’s not allowed phone calls or mail privileges. So what is sometimes done is that they put a fellow like...

diesel therapy

diesel therapy  n.— «Jimmy Magner, a former federal prisoner and founder of the newsletter PWA-RAG (Prisoners with AIDS-Rights Action Group), endured years of diesel therapy, the practice of moving prisoner organizers from one to prison...

on strip

on strip  adj.— «On strip: This describes a prisoner who is ordered to serve time wearing only boxer shorts because he has done something wrong. As in, “They kept me on strip for five days.”» —“What the lingo...

fifi bag

fifi bag  n.— «Actually, the instructions for such an organic liason originate witth the invention of the famous “fifi bag,” used since the first horny prisoner in some long ago jail cell discovered that a rubber glove, or...


Russist  n.— «The Russists [derogatory term for Russians] used trickery in calling for talks, and took prisoner 74-year-old Uma Duyev, one of the leaders of the Chechen resistance at that time.» —“No-one can prevent me from doing what...