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charreada  n.— «A growing number of middle-class Mexican-Americans spend lazy summer afternoons at the charreada—part rodeo, part fiesta and one of Mexico’s most revered sporting events, dating to the 17th century.…At family-owned...


MoSoSo  n.— «These under-25s (the target market for early adoption of hot new gadgets) are using what many observers call the next big consumer technology shift: Mobile Social Networking Software, or Mososo. The sophisticated reach of...

pit maneuver

pit maneuver  n.— «When the driver of the car refused to pull over on SR-434 and Ronald Reagan Boulevard in Longwood, a Seminole County deputy decided to move in with the precision immobilization technique called a pit maneuver...


scrub  v.— «Youtuber Doomblake has done an hilarious job of remixing a the little sequence in Empire Strikes Back where Vader is sitting in his clamshell commander’s chair, scrubbing different shots back and forth with great precision to...


matchmoving  n.— «Gabel, 38, worked on what is called “matchmoving,” a precision process to embed computer animation into the live-action footage. “It has to be seamless and move as one object,” Gabel said. “If it’s not exact, it will leap...


fib  n.— «Why just haiku? I wanted something that required more precision. That led me to a six line, 20 syllable poem with a syllable count by line of 1/1/2/3/5/8—the classic Fibonacci sequence. In short, start with 0 and 1, add them...