What a difference pronunciation makes! The United States has a Department of Defense, and an individual might take classes in self-defense. So why do football and basketball coaches say they’re proud of their . . . “DEE-fence?”...
Put a plate of milk in front of a cat, and you know that cat will catillate. This is part of a complete episode.
Did you know reading poetry improves your prose? That includes hip-hop lyrics, too. Also, how linguist can guess where you come from based on how you speak. What do you call someone who picks the chocolate out of the trail mix...
There are doobies, and then there are good doobees. A caller from Traverse City, Michigan, says her husband refers to himself as a good doobee whenever he’d clean the house or pay the bills. The phrase goes back to Romper Room, a...
“Every plate that is made, breaks.” This Afghan proverb means that all things come to an end. This is part of a complete episode.
License-plate bingo, anyone? Quiz Guy John Chaneski offers a radio version. This is part of a complete episode.