photodegrade v.—Gloss: (of plastics and polymers) to breakdown when exposed to sunlight. Note: A more technical definition of photodegradation is here. «Plastic bags don’t biodegrade. They only break down into tiny toxic little bits that...
pigtail n.— «Recoil Hose: The recoil hose (often called “pig tails” because of their distinctive shape) is a tight coil of plastic hose that can be extended to make connections with rack manifolds. When disconnected, the coil shape serves...
mummification n.— «To celebrate the release of Ulrich Haarburste’s Novel of Roy Orbison in Cling Film Wellington publishing collective Lawrence & Gibson will attempt to break the world record for greatest quantity of people...
mommy makeover n.— «Dr. David A. Stoker, a plastic surgeon in Marina Del Rey, Calif., has a surgical cure for the ravages of motherhood. He, like many plastic surgeons nationwide, calls it a “mommy makeover.” Aimed at mothers, it usually...
mom job n.— «Mommy surgery appeals both as a quick fix for stubborn postpregnancy weight and as a way to control aging itself. Dozens of doctors devote parts of their Web sites to the mom job, including Dr. Lloyd M. Krieger, a plastic...
plastic fan n.— «I can’t believe the amount of complaints I’ve heard this morning on various sporting broadcasts about the attendance at last night’s Chelsea-Rosenborg match. What’s the big deal? Surely these people know that Chelsea are...