swass n.— «Ah yes, swass. Just like swalls, swagina, and swaxillas…gotta love a good sweat. Too bad that swass can lead to chafing if you walk too much, like my buddy did in Vegas!» —“Re: ass sweat” Usenet: rec.music...
junk n.— «I have been with a guy who stashed stuff in his pants only to have the male security guy actually grab his junk and bust him.» —“Re: Any good tricks getting your stash past security this summer?” by hoju224@aol...
scrumtrelescent adj.— «My wife and i honeymooned there after getting married on the beach at st. john. This was in mid-to-late May, and the weather was nothing short of scrumtrelescent.» —“Re: virgin islands question?” by...
adj.— «Ridonkulous (made-up…like ridiculous).» —“Re: Favorite word” by johnd0h@aol.com (JohnD0H) Usenet: rec.music.phish Nov. 5, 1999. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
phish v. to acquire passwords or other private information (of an individual, an account, a web site, software, etc.) via a ruse. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
v.— «Does anyone know of a way to get an account other than phishing?» —“AOL for free?” by mk590@access.digex.net Usenet: alt.2600 Jan. 1, 1996. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)