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sand spur

sand spur  n.— «In personality profiles newspapers use what some refer to as “sand spurs,” referring to little foibles of the person that show him or her as real, rather than just the subject of PR flackery. In Troutman’s case...


double-high  n.— «When there are followers, there must be leaders and this is the second kind of authoritarian personality that has been studied in only recent years. The most extreme of these are what John Dean refers to as double-highs;...


Sundowner’s  n.— «In March, my dad will be 86 years old. He has Alzheimer’s disease. My brothers, sister and I noticed changes in his personality about nine years ago. We are thankful he doesn’t get violent, although the evenings bring on...


browning  n.— «Some students once met a radio personality and marvelled that she was a “browning.” This host speaks the real Jamaican patois and they thought she would be “jet black.” Why? Because brownings don’t...

go geographic

go geographic  v. phr.— «In A.A. meetings they use the term “going geographic” of an alcoholic personality to describe that idea of constantly moving, running, probably trying to escape and find at the same time.» —“A...

baseball rat

baseball rat  n.— «As he became more sure with the bat, as he became the player who hit .300 at every stop, as he settled down on the field and in the clubhouse, his personality came out. Not just the one whose competitiveness can...