tin medal n. an award jocularly said to be given to a fourth-place finisher; (generally) a prize for poor or unremarkable performance; a worthless honor or military decoration. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
flashcorder n.— «The PEK offers specific performance enhancements for small profile products including solid state memory DVD camcorders and digital still cameras that can record in H.264, or what Altabet refers to as the...
stick the landing v. phr. to finish an athletic, gymnastic, or other sports performance with an ideal pose or stance, especially after a jump or leap; (hence, also outside of sports) to do or finish well; to win. Editorial Note: This term is part of...
burn v.— «Build quality depends on two things: spares used and quality control system. The first criterion relates to “compatibility” or how well the components can work with each other.…Before a set goes on sale from a reputed...
run-out concert n.— «In modern parlance, this was a classic “run-out” concert: a performance that took the orchestra…away from home base only long enough to make music and quickly leave town.» —“Riding the rail to...
chinegro n.— «Her performance is the catalyst for one of the many show-stopping scenes in Domino when she waxes poetic about mixed race vernacular such as “blactino” and “chinegro” on the “Jerry Springer Show...