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Pecan Pronunciation

You say puh-KAHN, I say PEE-can. Just how do you pronounce the name of the nut called a pecan? Turns out, there are several correct pronunciations. This is part of a complete episode.

scatter hoarding

scatter hoarding  n.— «Every year, the squirrels plant a forest of pecan trees for me. They observe a practice called “scatter hoarding.” That means they harvest nuts and such and bury them all over the place. That way, no single raid by a...

gone pecan

gone pecan  n.— «The Chief Assistant keeps a scoreboard in his office on Wins and Losses. One too many Losses and you’re a “gone pecan.”» —by Bob E. Lee Writ Denied Jan. 9, 2001. (source: Double-Tongued...

gone pecan

gone pecan n. a person who is doomed, defeated, or beyond rescue; a goner. Editorial Note: As noted in the 2003 citation, pecan is pronounced in this expression to rhyme with gone, so it’s something like “puh-KAHN” rather than “PEE...

gone pecan

gone pecan
 n.— «“I’m a gone pecan,” the last two words rhyming.» —by Paul Fleischman Breakout Aug., 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)