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bootleg trail

bootleg trail n. a walking path or track worn into the ground by habitual human passage rather than by design. Editorial Note: During Prohibition, the network of people and places that illegally supplied Americans with alcohol was sometimes referred...


on-boarding  n.— «No matter if you’re the next Carly Fiorina, Michael Eisner or Maurice Greenberg, or someone assuming a middle-management position, “getting up to speed”—something referred to as “onboarding”—is a...


mouse-hole v. to tunnel by destroying shared internal walls between rooms or buildings. Editorial Note: The Oxford English Dictionary  has a more general definition, “to make a narrow passage or a tunnel.” (source: Double-Tongued...


air-dropping  n.— «Obey originally said House earmarks would be kept secret until they were inserted into the conference bill. By then, members cannot change them and can only vote up or down on the bill. Since the passage of earmarks is...

clobber passage

clobber passage  n.— «The familiar Old Testament clobber passage had been misused by Robertson, Falwell, and other “selective literalists” to condemn homosexuality, but this Presbyterian literalist was going all the way...