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keister  v.— «The inmates know officials are looking for the phones and are going to great lengths to hide them, he said. It’s tough, officials admit, because some of the phones are small enough to be, in prison parlance, “keistered...

rag the puck

rag the puck  v. phr.— «Most of the time was consumed by arguments about scheduling of the actual trial. The prosecution accused the defense of what, in hockey parlance, is called “ragging the puck”: stalling until the game is over...

crooked number

crooked number  n.— «Manuel believes the home run “is your greatest hit in baseball.” It gives the Phillies big-innings capability. They began Game 5 with 14 multi-run innings—”crooked numbers” in the parlance—out...


coffin  n.— «Wangjing’s Wal-Mart has light-emitting diode lighting, or LEDs, that reduces the store’s energy consumption by 15%, motion sensors in low traffic areas and open-air freezers—known in industry parlance as “coffins”—with sliding...

back up the truck

back up the truck  v. phr.— «The safety of these securities caused financial firms to load upon on them (“back up the truck,” in Wall Street parlance). They were considered so safe that financial firms used borrowed funds to buy more, and...


track  v.— «The district police chief’s office, on the third floor of the police compound, is dimly lit; sandbags block the windows. Norris goes over the plan, telling Col. Anan, the chief, how many polling sites his police need to protect...