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Boxing Week

Boxing Week  n.— «While Boxing Day sales traditionally bolster the bottom line, this year’s sales are going to be more aggressive, both in terms of deeper price cuts and longer duration as stores hope for Black Friday 2. The term...

Texas barrier

Texas barrier  n.— «I pass the ruins of police headquarters, blown up by an Al Qaeda in Iraq suicide truck bomber in May 2007, and enter a corridor lined by eight-foot-high slabs of concrete—”Texas barriers” or “T...


T-wall  n.— «I pass the ruins of police headquarters, blown up by an Al Qaeda in Iraq suicide truck bomber in May 2007, and enter a corridor lined by eight-foot-high slabs of concrete—”Texas barriers” or “T-walls,”...

pop a crowd

pop a crowd  v. phr.— «“If you go to enough of these shows and meet enough of these guys, a pattern emerges,” Siegel says. “In wrestling parlance, they would say they love “popping a crowd”—getting fans off. It’s...

soot booger

soot booger  n.— «In informal industry parlance, a soot booger is a crusty buildup of stuff that is in coal, but didn’t burn up in the boiler and is too heavy to float out of the smokestack—the soot. Big globs of it—the boogers—accumulate...


OTB  n.— « The OTB line of boots and topsiders uses footwear technology developed for high-performance boat shoes worn by U.S. Navy SEALs, according to OTB Footwear, of Scituate, Mass. OTB stands for “over the beach,” navy...