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 n.— «He was highly embarrassed by his son, the bampot, or crazy, welder with hair like a woman and two earrings.» —by Pamela Stephenson Billy Sept. 11, 2002. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

boo-boo face

boo-boo face
 n.— «Michel, I’m soooo jealous… )-; (Best boo-boo face on the net….)» —“Re: sexual fantasies” by Pamela D. Hanes Usenet: soc.singles Mar. 13, 1991. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

Maunder minimum

Maunder minimum  n.— «Between 1645 and 1714, astronomers reported almost no sunspot activity. This solar funk, which has not been repeated, came to be called the “Maunder minimum,” and it coincided with the coldest part of the...