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game face

game face  n.— «He slumped in his chair, rested his head on the palm of his extended arm, and glared at the 20 or so mostly black male job seekers who gathered on a recent Monday, the first day of a four-week job-readiness training program...

opium bed

opium bed  n.— «The Backyard is punctuated with palm trees and so-called opium beds, which resemble open-sided concrete pillboxes and feature upholstered mattresses and flat-screen TVs. During the height of swim season, the poolside opium...

hurricane cut

hurricane cut  n.— «Overpruning can be detrimental to a palm. “Hurricane cuts,” as they are called. stresses the palm to a point where there is an increased chance of disease and insect invasion.» —“New Year’s gardening...

frog’s spawn

frog’s spawn  n.— «A sago pudding served with palm sugar. This last item combined school-lunch frog’s spawn with school-treat Callard & Bowser molasses flavour.» —“Artificial colouring” by Jonathan...


milonga  n.— «Tango classes and ballrooms—milongas, as they are called—are booming in Miami, the heavily Hispanic city better known for salsa and other Latin rhythms.» —“Argentine tango blooms under Miami’s palm trees” by...

canine freestyle

canine freestyle  n.— «Coming up this Saturday…Joan Tennille on “canine freestyle dancing.” There will also be a pet fashion show. I am not making this up!» —“Hint to thief: Don’t try to palm off a stolen plant on...