scarfing n.— «In 1994, the British Journalist and Conservative Party politician, Stephen Milligan, died as a result of autoerotic asphyxiation, or commonly known as “scarfing.” This potentially fatal method of masturbation...
racking n.— «Racking is where the brewer gives the fermenting beer a good, thorough stirring. Will racks three times a day during the fermenting stage, for a couple of minutes each time. This aeriates the beer and prevents the yeast from...
terminal weaning n.— «Of physicians who withdrew ventilators, 33% preferred the gradual withdrawal of supplemental oxygen and positive end-expiratory pressure treatment before removing the ventilator, a process called terminal weaning...
AWOL n.— «Awol, or Alcohol With Out Liquid, mixes spirits with pure oxygen to create a cloudy alcohol vapour that “can either be snorted or inhaled.”» —“Snifter snubbed” Times (London, England) Nov...
turn blue v.— «I got caught playing the expectations game on two fronts the past week…one of them was work where I decided (some geek friends of mine will shudder) …to apply for a full time Microsoft position…since my...