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Letters and Canadian Doubles (minicast)

In our latest online-only episode, Martha’s been putting together a collection of your favorite collective nouns and Grant joins her to swat around a caller’s question about what to call a game of tennis when you have only three players...

A Game of Tennis with Three Players?

Aloha! We have another A Way with Words podcast goofy-footing among the grommets. Martha's been putting together a collection of your favorite collective nouns and Grant joins her to swat around a caller’s question about what to call a...


floater n. a person who files down or smooths horse teeth; a tool used for such a task. Etymological Note: Directly related to the verb “to float,” meaning “to file the teeth of a horse.” The Oxford English Dictionary...


Hola, estimados oyentes! It's time for another podcast from "A Way with Words." Earlier this summer a word caught Grant's fancy: "gardentoolism." So he made a slang quiz about it! Listen to the podcast here. If you...


wireline adj. of communication or technology, connected by cable or wire; the opposite of wireless. Etymological Note: From the noun “wireline,” defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “a telegraph or telephone line of...


mouse-hole v. to tunnel by destroying shared internal walls between rooms or buildings. Editorial Note: The Oxford English Dictionary  has a more general definition, “to make a narrow passage or a tunnel.” (source: Double-Tongued...

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