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skiintling  n.— Note: According to the Oxford English Dictionary, skintling is “to separate and reset (half-dried bricks) at angles to each other, so as to complete the drying.” «The brick facade is as curious as anything. It’s...


throw n. the distance that a key or button can be pressed, as on a computer keyboard. Etymological Note: Directly related to “throw” in mechanical engineering, defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the action or motion of a...

Shorthand of Backhands and Forehands

Greetings, oh wise ones. Here's another podcast, this one featuring a slang quiz on the word "phonemarking." In our discussion forums we're still taking entries to win a copy of Jeff Prucher's book, "The Oxford Dictionary...

Phonemarking (minicast)

Oh, yes, it’s time for another podcast, this one featuring a slang quiz on the word “phonemarking.” Transcript of “Phonemarking (minicast)” Welcome to the summer edition of Slang This, the language quiz from A Way with...


whimperative n. a command or request phrased as a polite or indirect question. Also wh- imperative. Editorial Note: This word is especially used in the linguistic study of discourse. Thanks to Ben Zimmer for helping to clarify this definition...

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