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dále shine

dále shine  v. phr.— «“I’ve heard it used in Ohio. I think it means ‘to approve of something.’” According to Joe Lopez, Chicano artist and owner of Gallista Gallery, “You can’t really describe dále shine directly, you...


sale-manageback n. a financial arrangement in which a property is sold, then managed by its former owner for a cut of profits. Also attrib. Editorial Note: This is similar to a sale-leaseback. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


pimp  v.— «Know this: whatever you may try to pimp, Japanese kids have already pimped bigger and badder than you. While we Americans smugly giggle at the idiocy of the urban Honda Civic owner and the ways of Xzibit on MTV’s Pimp My Ride...


bazooty  n.— «Barry wrote recently that prospective owner Huizenga has “financial resources out the bazooty.”» —“6 Cities Show Off For NL Miami Is Leader In Expansion Bids” by George Diaz L.A. Daily...

gap out

gap out  v.— «“Also can’t find much on gill mites in my books = what exactly are they?” “There is no such thing, that is why you can’t find it. I’m sure the store owner just gapped out for a second when telling about gill mites...


hy-style  n.— «Rather than filling the empty area, the mall’s owner will tear down the building to erect a new wing that looks a lot like a mall-industry nemesis—the trendy lifestyle center.…Westfield has coined a name for the...