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gas in one’s tank

gas in one’s tank  n.— «“If you talk to some of the players that have had the opportunity to walk away from the game on their own, you like to walk away with what we refer to as “gas in your tank’” McCarthy said of Favre...


click-wrap  n.— «“One who signs a contract is bound by a contract which he has an opportunity to read, whether he does so or not”…the judges who authored these words many decades ago certainly did not conceive of the possibility of...

rib-eye in the sky

rib-eye in the sky  n.— «Baker needs to do a little more research as the crane is in fact a hunted species in nine of ten states in the central flyway from North Dakota to Texas. There they are plentiful and determined to be consumptive...


escrachan  n.— «Argentinean President Nestor Kirchner, for instance, rarely misses the opportunity in public appearances to call out, by name, journalists who have offended him. These occasions often lead to threats against journalists...

cotton curtain

cotton curtain  n.— «When the cotton curtain stood between us, and people were hateful and mean, I was here. When we didn’t have public accommodations, I was here. When the doors of opportunity had never been opened, I was here. When it...


jack-up  n.— «Leader Don Brash has moved a no-confidence motion in Ms Wilson, but insisted every opportunity presented by the Government for it to formally debate this in Parliament was “a jack-up,” and a ruse by the Government...