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brick  v.— «Because of miscalculation, their load was too heavy, so they “bricked” the seaplane.» —“Veteran fliers bid adieu to an old sweetheart Canada’s last 9 DC-3 Dakotas being retired” by Ron Lowman in...

high-low book

high-low book  n.— «Then there are the so-called teen high-low books for those with a lower vocabulary level. “They are carefully plotted, they’ve got good characters but they are written at a vocabulary level that is better designed...

frequent flyer

frequent flyer  n.— «The claimants enter Canada as refugees and leave Canada afterwards to return again as refugees using phoney names, immigration officials said. The multiple claimants have been dubbed “frequent flyers” by...


BAT  n.— «Others are crammed into BATs (the soldiers’ acronym for Big-Assed Tents) where a couple hundred of them sleep in bunk beds and have no space at all.» —“Assignment: Kandahar” by Les Perreaux London Free...


twizzle  n.— «“Ironically, that’s the element these two are know for being amazing at,” interjected Susie Cluett of a reputation for close proximity, unison and quality through the two required ‘twizzle’ (side by side moving spins)...

death country

death country  n.— «Their sound falls under the same obscure alt-country genre as Elliott Brood, who may have coined the term “death country.” It’s real cowboy music, with lots of mournful harmonica and wallowing in your beer...

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