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chill suit

chill suit  n.— Â«In an effort to preserve her brain function, doctors at Oklahoma Heart Hospital put Jill in what’s called a “chill suit.” “We moved directly to this induced hypothermia, which is basically a refrigerated...

hootin nanny

hootin nanny  n.— Â«For 10 glorious days every year, the Great State Fair of Oklahoma rolls into town. Like moths to a flame, people from every town and every trailer park across the state are drawn to the capitol for what some people refer...


woolybooger  n.— Â«â€œWhy, we’re liable to be here until the Fourth of July,” declared Rep. John Levergood of Shawness and woollybooger fame. Levergood considers himself a watchdog in the House and bounces to the microphone to denounce...

woolly booger

woolly booger  n.— Â«â€œRight to work is a chamber of commerce woolly booger designed to confuse the public,” said Rep. Don Ross, D-Tulsa.» â€”“House passes right-to-work initiative” by Tim Talley in Oklahoma City...

woolly booger

woolly booger  n.— Â«Ms. Peltier has been just as determined to read every word of the legislation that crosses her desk, often to the consternation of fellow members, to keep anyone from sneaking a “woolly booger” past the...


woolly-booger n. (also woolly-bugger) 1. (colloquial) the larval-stage insect known as the woolly worm or woolly bear; a fishing fly that resembles such an insect. 2. (in the American Southwest, slang) an extraordinary example of a thing. 3. (in...

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