The Occupy movement helped to popularize the term do-ocracy, a system of management or government where the people who actually roll up their sleeves and do things get to decide how those things are done. This is part of a complete episode.
A recent study found that some names crop up more frequently than others in certain professions. The name William is especially common among attorneys–and graphic designers include a higher-than-average number of Jessicas. Plus, picturesque...
What’s your choice for the 2011 word of the year? Grant shares some of his picks. Speaking of picks, why do football commentators seem to love the term pick-six? Also, great quotations from writers, the meaning of such Briticisms as cheeky and...
The 2011 words of the year list wouldn’t be complete without occupy, as in the Occupy protests that sprang up in Manhattan‘s Zuccotti Park and elsewhere. And Zuccotti lung? It’s an illness that made its rounds among the camped-out...
customer of size n.— «“Since 1980, Southwest Airlines has encourages customers of size to purchase a second seat, if required. Our suggestion,” quoting the airline, “for the greatest advantage to the customer of size is to...
splash and dash n.— «In F1 parlance, they call it a “splash and dash,” which actually refers to a very quick refuelling pit-stop when there’re just a few more laps to go.» —“Oh what a day” by Oh A...