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mull pipe

mull pipe  n.— «I stopped at a red light and some obnoxious kid in school uniform started pointing at me to his friends and yelling “look, mull pipe!! Mull pipe!!” (that’s pot pipe in your parlance).» —“Re: Funny episodes...


procrastiner  v.— «Il y a des néologismes que j’utilise tout le temps dans mon idiolecte aliéné par l’impérialisme de notre nouvelle Koiné anglo-normande, notamment du franglais (“procrastiner” est mon...

stunt up

stunt up  v.— «Sceptics recall the reality of Gulf coverage as wastes of half-informed speculation by retired military men, punctuated by theatrical press conferences stunted up by the US military, complete with video inserts and the wit...


mollydooker  n.— «No Greg Norman or David Graham, he is a molly-dooker—a term better known as a goofy-footer in surfing.» —“Dad gets a pro to carry the bag” by Jim Ramsay Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Nov...

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