bikes— «The grinding pedestal -known as the “bikes” (although some occasionally referred to it as something quite unprintable)—was manned by local West Indian Woody who looked as though he could grind non stop all day...
catch in the air n.— «You however forgot to tell your audience to watch out for “one chance,” or “catch in the air.” These are thieves that operate in danfo buses. They position themselves strategically in the bus...
double-breast n.— «Double breasting, also known as “dual shop operations,” has become a common construction practice in which a company maintains separate affiliates, one union and one nonunion, in order to compete and respond...
bag drag
n.— «At Las Vegas we had a bag drag, airline parlance for an aircraft change.» —“Non Directional Beacon” by Dave Flight Level 390 (Phoenix, Ariz.) Dec. 5, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
bang in v.— «I can’t speak for THIS company, but the way I think it all works is Non-Exempty (Hourly) people don’t get paid and use a finite number of sick days if they do happen to bang in sick on any day, including snow.» —“Re: How...
dhimmi n.— «Tolerated unbelievers were called dhimmi, or ahl al-dhimma, “the people of the pact.” This was a legal term for the tolerated and protected non-Muslim subjects of the Muslim state.…The dhimma, which...