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vomit comet

vomit comet  n.— «It was the second flight on the aircraft for the athletes. On Tuesday, they were flown while strapped in their seats and blindfolded. During that flight the jet lived up to its nickname—the “vomit comet.” All...

vomit comet

vomit comet  n.— «The Condor fast ferry was unsuitable for our waters, so that apart from its manifold mechanical problems the wildness of its movements quickly earned it the nickname of the “Vomit Comet.”» —“The fleet’s...


shoobie  n.— «There are almost as many boys as girls in town from Friday night through Sunday, while the “shoobies” are here. These are boys, also mostly college students, who spend the summer within driving distance of Ocean...


infartillery  n.— «To combat the mortar-firing insurgents, Vuono’s soldiers have become what some soldiers call “infartillery”—artillery experts who can also use infantry skills to root out the enemy in urban warfare...


rivet  n.— «An apprentice ironworker who does jobs such as running for coffee and getting tools for the journeymen. Rivet: Another nickname for an apprentice.Rivet: Another nickname for an apprentice.» —“Chicago Speak” by...


 n.— «Ninty: Nickname used to describe Nintendo.» —“Gamer lexicon that bugs” by Blake Snow Joystiq Aug. 2, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)