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tweener  n.— «The NFL seemingly invented the word “tweener,” describing a player whose height and weight makes him uncertain for a specific position. He could be a defensive end or a linebacker, a DE or defensive tackle, a...


shank  n.— «The NFL leaves the basic design of the ring to the teams, but its rules require mandatory elements on the sides of the rings (known as “shanks,” in jewelry parlance), including the score of the game and the players’...


juke  n.— «You have to run around them. Have you ever played NFL2K? Then you know what a juke is. Just fake them out.» —“Re: Resident Evil:Code Veronica” by SJC Usenet: alt.games.video.sega-dreamcast Apr. 2, 2000...


ice  v.— «Pittsburgh kicker Jeff Reed couldn’t have been happier when Jacksonville coach Jack Del Rio called a timeout as Reed lined up a 37-yard field-goal attempt with 23 seconds left in their game last Sunday night. Del Rio was trying...


chipping  n.— «He was called on constantly to help out overmatched right tackle Grant Williams on pass protection, and when he did, Jackson slammed his 6-foot-2, 231-pound body into 49er pass rushers like a bone-jarring battering ram. In...


stashing  n.— «“Stashing” is a term from the past that Tagliabue and his top lieutenants don’t want to see become a part of the modern-day NFL lexicon.…For the most part, after all, players on injured reserve are there with...