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spearing  n.— «A helmet-to-helmet hit on a quarterback, or on a receiver in the act of making a catch is illegal. Also illegal: hitting a player already on the ground with a helmet or “spearing,” as it’s commonly called...


whip-out  n.— «Fred Smith, founder and chief executive officer of Memphis-based Federal Express, is the name that comes to everyone’s lips when asked what advantage the city has in the race for an NFL expansion team. “Fred has said...

tote the note

tote the note  v. phr.— «Fred Smith, founder and chief executive officer of Memphis-based Federal Express, is the name that comes to everyone’s lips when asked what advantage the city has in the race for an NFL expansion team. “Fred...


shell-mouthed  adj.— «The Patriots are notorious around the NFL for being shell-mouthed about injuries. Players are forbidden to discuss even their own.» —“Moving the Chains: Tom Brady and the Pursuit of Everything” by...

wham play

wham play  n.— «Q: What is a “wham” play?—Evan Cole, Rochester…A: That’s another word for a kind of trap block. One example is when a tight end comes slowly in motion behind the offensive line just before the snap. A...

alligator arms

alligator arms  n.pl.— «Sanders is a converted running back, as was Monk, who didn’t take to wide receiver at first. “He had alligator arms, know what I mean?” said his former coach.… “He didn’t reach for the ball...