Young women used to be warned that a lady’s name should appear in the newspaper only three times: at her birth, upon her marriage, and at her death. In much the same way, the admonition “Don’t get your name all up in the...
For language lovers, it’s like New Year’s, Fourth of July, and the Super Bowl all rolled into one: The brand-new online edition of the Dictionary of American Regional English. Martha and Grant explain what all the fuss is about. Plus...
If you’ve kept up with the news these past few months, you’re all set for John Chaneski‘s News Limerick Challenge. This is part of a complete episode.
Quiz Guy Greg Pliska has a set of Topical Limericks from the worlds of media and entertainment. This is part of a complete episode.
In honor of the 2011 Academy Awards, Quiz Guy Greg Pliska offers his own puzzle version, The Oxcars. The trick is that the nominees for Best Picture at the Oxcars have the same titles as this year’s real nominees for the Oscar, but with one...
Quiz Guy John Chaneski has a limericks news quiz. This is part of a complete episode.