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omnicide  n.— «The concept of species annihilation means a relatively swift, deliberately induced end to history, culture, science, biological reproduction and memory. It is the ultimate human rejection of the gift of life, an act which...


charactercedural  n.— «Wolf has even coined a new word to describe his new show: it’s a “charactercedural” as opposed to the police and court procedurals for which he’s become famous.» —“Spirit without...


poligion  n.— «New word for the dictionary: Poligion. The consolidation of religion and politics into one belief system. The belief in and reverence for a political party or person with unwavering faith in their supremacy and infallibility...


gallerist  n.— «A fashionable new word is bubbling up in the New York art scene: gallerist, as a substitute for art dealer. Not, of course, just any art dealer. A gallerist is directly involved with the care and feeding of artists, rather...


goumada  n.— «After the first couple of times I heard the term “goumada” used on the HBO Mafia show “The Sopranos” several years ago, I almost immediately started hearing it all the time at the Statehouse. Folks in...


computeracy  n.— «Computeracy is not a new word these days; I hope all of you know this word. It is a combination of “computer” and “literacy” and it means “being literate in computer” i.e. how to read...