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asteroidick  n.— «I have one sports-related suggestion—asteroidick. as-ter-oid-ick (n) symbol: * 1. A star-shaped symbol found in the major league baseball record books to indicate players who used steroids. 2. The slimy stuff that sticks...


menstrosity  n.— «You know how women get menstrual. Well I was thinking of a word that can work on men most of all, as well as women.When someone get’s really pissed off say this. Are you having a menstrosity. There ya go. Word of the day...


snipe-o-thetical  n.— «Snipe-O-Thetical, n, adj—Maintaining the belief that a plausible (yet unconfirmed) hypothesis is true, whether it is or not, in the interest of personal amusement.» —“snipe-o-theticals” by El...


Yorkal  n.— «York students created a new word for pencil, revealed at Friday’s assembly: Yorkal.» —“In Our Schools: Master one language, invent another” by Howard Buck The Columbian (Clark County,  Wash...


frindle  n.— «The award-winning book’s star, in defiance of his dictionary-worshipping teacher, invents and spreads his own word for the common pen: Frindle.» —“In Our Schools: Master one language, invent another” by Howard...


canderflabble  n.— «I once read an article about useful foreign words that had no English counterpart, and it mentioned some language (I forget which) that had a noun meaning “the state of two people each waiting to see if the other...