A 50-something boss in Reno, Nevada, wants suggestions on speaking with and writing for his younger co-workers. When does your own communication style make you sound out-of-date, and when does using younger folks’ slang make you sound like...
Back in 1867 a newspaper in Nevada used the verb pungle to lovely effect: “All night the clouds pungled their fleecy treasure.” This is part of a complete episode.
downwinder n.— «Nuclear testing in Nevada during the 1950s and 1960s released radiation into the atmosphere that settled in states far away from the original test site. Researchers determined that certain elements of this fallout, such as...
cow county n.— «The Nevada Senate consisted of one senator from each of the 17 counties even though the vast majority of the population was, as now, in just Clark and Washoe counties. The so-called “cow counties,” the rurals...
pimp slap n.— «“While Clark County is more than willing to participate in a dialogue with you and your legislative leaders about the future of these programs, we believe strongly that they should be one of the last programs to be cut...