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fanon  n.— «I’ve also coined “fanon” to mean “fan canon”…it’s yours, if you want it.» —“that nail in my grave” by Emily Salzfass Usenet: alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated Apr...

toe popper

toe popper  n.— «The VC use anything and everything to build their devil’s devices. There were toe poppers—normally a single bullet no bigger than a pencil, set on top of a nail; step on it, and the bullet pushed down into the nail and...

appointment television

appointment television  n.— «It pounds the final nail into the coffin of must-see, appointment television. BitTorrent transforms the Internet into the world’s largest TiVo.» —“The BitTorrent Effect” by Clive...

cuff and stuff

cuff and stuff  v.— «They are “cruising for crooks,” or “fishing for felons.” Suspects are “hooked and crooked,” “cuffed and stuffed,” “nailed and jailed,” and they “ride...

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