revolving SOB n.— «Because he “challenged communists and their agents in the United States” he “automatically became a revolving SOB” to his critics.» —“Marshall Gets Into McCarthy Line of...
greenhouse n.— «Saturn could have been done better. I’m not talking about the engine mount or the shape of the greenhouse.» —“Roundtable Discussion Automobile Industry” Wall Street Transcript July 20, 1992. (source:...
dolphin n.— «A huge floating crane was parked next to the Mukilteo ferry terminal Friday to repair damage done to the dolphins there. Dolphin is the term used to describe the large bumpers, sitting slightly out in the bay, which are used...
hi mom n.— «Just before Thanksgiving, 2004, a Fox News producer with whom I’d worked a number of times in Kabul and Bagram showed up on Bagram Air Field to shoot what military PA people call “Hi Moms”—the little snippets of...