bossela n.— «Billy-boy had come across the song Mary Muir’s gettin’ a man’s bossela (sung on hen nights) while doing research on the mill workers of Stewarton for his series The Blue Bonnets for Radio Scotland.…”Yes, the...
Patel shot n.— «Well here we go i decided to write something about patel shots. Well by definition this means that when you go to a new place you stand right in front of it and take a picture of yourself with “that thing’ at the...
fukubukuro n.— «Fukubukuro, practiced by Japanese merchants, is one way for retailers to say thanks to their customers, and Ala Moana Center will start 2005 with the tradition. Fukubukuro literally means “surprise bag” and is...
blow-in n.— «On Saturday, Bradfield’s 190 pre-selectors will declare the result of this young bull/old bull stoush between the 36-year-old blow-in from Hobart, and the white-haired David Connolly, who is nearing the end of his political...
cookie n.— «The effect he explains, though is what we would refer to as “modeling” the light, which involves taking it away in certain spots to create shadows and add mystery. one way to achieve this effect, and what I think...
zonker n.— «I have often wondered why a deep-dish fruit pie is called a cobbler. My online etymological dictionary suggests it is related to a 14th-century word for wooden bowl, cobeler. What is apparently the same dish is called zonker...