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Hip-Hop Book of Rhymes (minicast)

Hip-hop is high art. If you don’t understand that, you’re missing out on some of the best poetry being created today. Grant talks about the new book by English professor Adam Bradley called Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip-Hop.

Hidden Musical Instruments Quiz

Quiz Guy John Chaneski conducts a word puzzle involving musical instruments hidden in various sentences. Try this one: “My cousin is a Santa Monica zookeeper whose specialty is hummingbirds.” (Keep saying it over and over until you hear...

Musical Word Quiz

Quiz Guy John Chaneski strikes up the band, begins the beguine, and treats Martha and Grant to a musical quiz. Warning: Songs may be sung. Not to worry, though—all three have promised to keep their day jobs. This is part of a complete episode.

brang brang

brang brang  n.— «However, after two months of working with the band, Greenidge was not happy with the results. He said: “I was disappointed. I didn’t think the band sounded that bad to reach to that point. I don’t know what they (the...