wall tattoo n.— «Stencils have come a long way from childhood designs. Often referred to as wall tattoos, stencils can be used as borders or create an overall pattern on a wall.» —“A little paint + a lot of patience a new...
sister wife n.— «Wives married to the same man call themselves “sister wives.” The multiple children created by these families call all of the women “mother.” That’s part of the reason Texas is DNA testing...
fossil group n.— «All that dark matter makes astronomers think that NGC 1132 grew up through the mergers of many smaller galaxies in an entire group, drawn in by the dark matter. That’s why the galaxy is sometimes called a...
silicon-sealed adj.— «Poland also wants to make sure that the charter of fundamental rights, which guarantees the right to strike among other measures, cannot apply in domestic courts. This is an opt-out already secured by the UK. Some in...
atmospheric n.— «The hard part to deal with is that women and children shop in markets, so the person who planned and executed the bombing was clearly targeting women and children. I had been in that exact market only days earlier meeting...