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half apple

half apple  n.— «The production team is slowly picking up the lingo, so that last night when Chad asked for a “Half apple” I actually knew 1. what he was talking about 2. where it was and 3. where he needed to put it. That’s...


fourwalling  v.— «The example of “Billy Jack” is being studied by everyone in the industry. Tom Laughlin, the producer, director and star of the 1971 film, was dissatisfied with Warners’ distribution of the film, so he went out...


fourwalling  v.— «How, in these inflationary times, do you persuade the public to pay $23 million to watch your old home movies, mixed in wish some stock wildlife footage? Answer: You call the confection the “Great American...

item girl

item girl n. in Indian cinema, a woman who appears in an item song; (hence) a female actress, singer, or dancer, esp. one who is poised to become a star. Editorial Note: An item song or item number is a musical performance that has little do with...

Hollywood no

Hollywood no  n.— «Nothing is more frustrating for a filmmaker than the “Hollywood No,” which is silence. It is debilitating and insensitive.» —by Jason E. Squire The Movie Business Book Nov. 1, 1992. (source:...


D-girl  n.— «“D-girl” is the movie industry sobriquet for a woman who works in the murky world of “development.” Men dominate most of the power jobs in the industry-directing, producing, running studios-but women reign...