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rat  n.— «Meanwhile, the Stinebakers make no attempt to conceal the fact that the Thunderbird—at least to some devout worshippers of domestic vehicles—is sort of a sacrilegious Frankenstein machine. Inside the Ford body sits a Chevrolet...


mouse  n.— «Meanwhile, the Stinebakers make no attempt to conceal the fact that the Thunderbird—at least to some devout worshippers of domestic vehicles—is sort of a sacrilegious Frankenstein machine. Inside the Ford body sits a Chevrolet...


spooty  adj.— «My keyboard has just died on me. I’m using the spooty On Screen one instead and pressing the characters with my mouse, which is why it’s taking me forever to type/click this post.» —by Indira (ze_manx_mouse) Go and...


 n.— «Mouse or rat: The muscle from the calf section of a steer’s leg that must be removed.» —“Chicago Speak” by Anne Keegan Chicago Tribune Feb. 17, 1994. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

knock-in mouse

knock-in mouse  n.— «A “knock-out” mouse has a gene missing, a “knock-in” mouse has had one changed or substituted.» —“Genetic science alters war on animal rights” by Kirsty...


oncomouse  n.— «In addition to the celebrated “oncomouse,” which is primed to get cancer (and had a patent case fought over it), there are mice which have been genetically altered to make them deaf or to give them the mouse...