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mouse hole

mouse hole  v.— «“One man makes for the stairway, covered by bullets of the others shooting ahead of him. At the same time two or three men can enter the house and begin to ‘mouse hole’ into the next forom from the secured ground floor...

mouse holing

mouse holing  v.— «You avoid, at all costs, going down the length of streets or going across big wide squares and things like that, and what you is you use the buildings as terrain as though they were hills or something, and typically what...

Schwarzenegger mouse

Schwarzenegger mouse  n.— «In the United States, the first news media reports of gene doping appeared in the late 1990s, when word got out that “Schwarzenegger mice” were being produced in the lab of H. Lee Sweeney, a molecular...

rez car

rez car  n.— «He described his “cat and mouse” tactics: he would purposely allow himself to be seen, and then flee as far as Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia in cars he picked up on the reservations. “Rez cars,” he called them...

ranch butler

ranch butler  n.— «Traditional ranchers are finding themselves priced out of business, while a whole new cottage industry is emerging of managers who jokingly call themselves “ranch butler,” “ranch ambassador,” or simply...

ranch ambassador

ranch ambassador  n.— «Traditional ranchers are finding themselves priced out of business, while a whole new cottage industry is emerging of managers who jokingly call themselves “ranch butler,” “ranch ambassador,” or simply...