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labbrosaur  n.— «A mischievous journalist, Roberto D’Agostino, coined the word labbrosaur to describe the bee-stung lip look that has blossomed up and down the country. The word Labbra means lip in Italian.» —“How self-inflicted...


monster  n.— «It is an addiction which has within it philosophical, as well as conceptual and behavioral elements, that make it even harder to deal with. Under the shadow of unimportance, indifference, and humor, this monster keeps growing...


monster  n.— «My mother, who i do not smoke around, has been here and she doesnt even know why Im coughing. She found i smoke years ago but she doesnt know the symptoms enough to see the monster in her son. And I dont have that heart to...


monster  n.— «The $30 worth of hits turned into a $3,000-a-month monster. Now the monster is Irene’s top priority. She’s been on crack three years. Three times in rehab. Three times a failure. “This is not an addiction that you can...


monster  n.— «I truly believe some kids are born with this monster called addiction inside them. I just woke up my monster earlier than most.» —“Mick was a great lover” by Caroline Graham Daily Mail (U.K...