ninjinuity n.—Gloss: A high level of ingenuity. «Over the next few days, we try pinning packages back to the Hardy version and downgrading. There are conflicts all over and lots of ninjinuity is required. Sometimes the system won’t boot...
biobox n.— «The prototypes currently in orbit are roughly a third the projected size of a final Bigelow space module and do not yet contain any form of life support. The arthropod crew of Genesis II—which the company refers to as their...
arthronaut n.— «The prototypes currently in orbit are roughly a third the projected size of a final Bigelow space module and do not yet contain any form of life support. The arthropod crew of Genesis II—which the company refers to as...
concretable n. a modular, portable building made of concrete. Editorial Note: A “concretable” is a type of “relocatable,” which is a modular, portable building made of any material. Etymological Note: concrete + portable...
rubber-ear n.— «It has called for the first module fee of £600 to be paid for by the taxpayer to raise morale among teaching’s minions but the Executive has rubber-eared (oops, slipped into Glasgow patois) this request. By the looks...
predictomics n.— «The NCTR also plans to attach a module with chemical structures and a text-mining module that can be used for predictions. It has coined the term “predictomics” to describe the field of toxicoinformatics and...