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hypar  n.— «Saturday, June 9, Cleveland offered members of ITSA an opportunity to examine a model of a hyperbolic paraboloid, which is sometimes called a hypar, by coming to Spring Valley to see some of the alternative building methods in...


Landy  n.— «Roughly translated, that means “So passes away the glory of the Land Rover.” Personally, I think that’s a bit strong, but Landy purists the world over will no doubt lament the passing of the stalwart Td5 engine...


paraplanner  n.— «Under the Australian model the financial planner still meets with the client and assesses their needs, but the actual plan is produced by the paraplanner in the back-office.» —“Paraplanners bolster advice...

artificial sun

artificial sun  n.— «A 1:8 miniature model of the world’s first Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) will be on display at the China Chongqing Investment and Global Sourcing Fair. Also known as an “artificial...