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levanton  n.— «Chalino having grown up in Sinaloa, being in the mob himself could have spotted a “levanton” miles away. Chalino had to have known that if you get pulled over at 3 am by federales your chances of living are zero...


slob  n.— «I heard that 5deuce mob shit (not sure of the spelling). Theyz the hardest Bay Area shit ta ever come out, bar none. Although I only heard a few songs (East Side Red Rag, Fuck a Slob, Gang Related), theyz the shit...

train wreck

train wreck  n.— «This is the story of the people left behind on the platform when the last train late at night goes out of Grand Central Terminal…They are stranded, and before the self-pity can kick in, a no-nonsense amplified...

Cinderella fare

Cinderella fare  n.— «This is the story of the people left behind on the platform when the last train late at night goes out of Grand Central Terminal…They are stranded, and before the self-pity can kick in, a no-nonsense amplified...