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Jim Wilson

Jim Wilson  n.— «I’d choose goo over sitting next to a “Jim Wilson” on a cross-country flight. Then again, the airline did give me free drinks—I guess it’s the hidden bonus of the corpse seatmate.» —“Re: Baby born in...

tiger belly

tiger belly  n.— «I have a feeling that if there was a reliable way, women would have been using it a lot sooner than weight trainees (pregnancy and stretch marks and the tiger belly thing).» —“Re: Stretch Marks” by...


wig-wags  n.— «I’ve had folks tell me that the first thing they saw when I was approaching was the headlights wig-wag: way before my halogen light bar or sealed beam red/blue wig-wags.…Anyone can flash their headlights, but only...


wig-wags  n.— «Headlights on during the day—yes. Wig-wags on during the day—yes.» —“Re: headlights, was Re: CODE 3 transport” by Emergency Services Discussion List Usenet: misc.emerg-services Aug. 10, 1993...


 v.— «We have hobbies. They self-stim.» —“(1 of 3) This Brain Has A Mouth” Usenet: misc.handicap July 26, 1991. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

frog stitch

frog stitch
 v.— «Reminds me of the Frog Stitch: rip-it, rip-it.» —“Re: Misc.” by Barbara Zanzig Usenet: rec.crafts.textiles Aug. 5, 1991. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)