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sposie  n.— «I probably will do sposies when we go out, but am planning to buy the biodegradable kind…yes, I know they don’t actually biodegrade in the landfill, but I really don’t want my baby exposed to the chemicals in regular...


reshop  v.— «All these department stores and computer shops and other large stores that take returns don’t just throw out the returned items, they “reshop” them, which is a sellers term for returning them to the shelves...


t’interweb  n.— «Two nights in La Rochelle, then two nights in Nantes. Train tickets arrived tihs morning, hotels all booked on t’Interweb.» —“Re: What is making you happy?” by Tim Emanuel Usenet: uk.misc Jan. 31...


dead-ender  n.— «Another reason to act soon is that many people will not want to sink much money into a sytem that may be a dead-ender.» —“Re: Only idiots jump Bass Ackwards” by Mike Zulauf Usenet: comp.sys.next...

farmer blow

farmer blow  n.— «My hubby has even taught Matthew the “Farmer Blow” that only Men seem to have enough back pressure to do—YUK!» —“Re: blowing your nose” by Alice Bertelson Usenet: misc.kids Mar. 30...

vomit draft

vomit draft  n.— «Vomit Draft, Junk Writing Tango, etc. There’s lots of names for what you have to do: Write FAST and don’t look back.» —“Re: Help! I Can’t Get Started!!” by Randy Witlicki Usenet: misc.writing...