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Cardi-cat  n.— «Animals with extra toes are known as a polydactyl. But extra toes are so common in cats around Cardinganshire they are often referred to as “Cardi-cats.”» —“Cat With 26 Claws” Mirror (United...


pebbling  n.— «Because she believes it is important to let children know who they are, Davis suggests a technique called “pebbling”—throwing little things out to create an opportunity for children to ask questions. One way is...

spaghetti tag

spaghetti tag  n.— «The Alaska Department of Fish and Game tagged the shark Foy caught with what is known as a spaghetti tag in Prince William Sound in 1999. She is No. 990432 and was tagged with about 230 other sharks that year...


lid  n.— «And they give out a “Lid of the Month” award—part honor, part joke, it is a wooden commode seat, which when lifted reveals a mirror and the engraved call signs of past recipients. “Lid” is a term for a...

pass-through grant

pass-through grant  n.— «Ouzinkie, Port Lions and Larsen Bay originally applied for grants directly to their villages, but the Legislature used a process called “pass-through” grants and sent the money through the borough.» —“Borough...

mirror neuron

mirror neuron  n.— «The most significant finding was the discovery of “mirror neurons,” a widely dispersed class of brain cells that operate like neural WiFi. Mirror neurons track the emotional flow, movement and even intentions of the...