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eco-coasting  n.— «Around 5.4 million motorists are putting lives in danger by freewheeling out of gear down hills to save fuel. Experts warn eco-coasting puts drivers at risk of losing control as gravity takes over.» —“Freewheel...


have-yacht  n.— «Yacht is seen as another luxury after big houses and big-brand cars, with new words even coined for the City of London—the “have-yacht” and “have-nots.”» —“ Yacht sales to mirror UK...

mirror bee

mirror bee  n.— «The best method, called “mirror bees,” entails sending a group of small satellites equipped with mirrors 30 to 100 feet wide into space to “swarm” around an asteroid and trail it, Vasile explains. The mirrors would be...


mumzilla  n.— «Dannii Minogue has slammed pushy mothers who try to force their children to be stars.…“Mumzillas we called them… following their kids around with boxes of make-up and forever sewing sequins on...


pap  v.— «3am – Papping Out.…Dane Bowers, the singer-turned-DJ, has been posing with a “mystery” blonde who exposed a breast for eager paparazzi.» —“3am – Papping Out” by Jessica Callan, Eva...

golden ticket

golden ticket  n.— «Their story highlights the troubles facing both foreign workers and island employers utilizing seasonal H-2B visas, which workers often refer to as “golden tickets” but require strict commitments long before it is...