What’s a “barbecue stopper,” and how does it differ from a “marmalade dropper”? This is part of a complete episode.
trunk monkey n.—Gloss: a rear gunner in an armed vehicle, caravan, or convoy. Note: Used among military personnel and contractors in Iraq. It’s possible that the term derives from this advertisement from Suburban Auto Group, and others...
hi mom n.— «Just before Thanksgiving, 2004, a Fox News producer with whom I’d worked a number of times in Kabul and Bagram showed up on Bagram Air Field to shoot what military PA people call “Hi Moms”—the little snippets of...
wire brush treatment n.— «His “snowflake memos” are notorious within the Pentagon, as is his combative style of debating and discussing issues. Civilians and military personnel refer to it as getting “the wire brush...
perfumed prince n.— «These Defense Department do-gooders and their Pentagon Perfumed Princes are asking our military personnel to go to war and to kill for their country, but they must do it in a nice way. If they show their warrior...
rehat v. to outfit military personnel in different uniforms in order to show a change of allegiance or authority. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)