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7,000-mile screwdriver

7,000-mile screwdriver n. micromanagement of a situation from afar. Editorial Note: The number of miles used varies depending upon the speaker and the situation. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

three-thousand-mile screwdriver

three-thousand-mile screwdriver  n.— «Whether filters will or should be installed, and whether this encourages the use of the proverbial three thousand mile screwdriver : that is, command and control from very far afield—are matters for...


stag  n.— «The young gunner from an artillery unit drafted in to the province as makeshift infantrymen was on sentry duty—”stag” in army parlance—in a sandbagged sangar when the first IRA rounds whistled in, fired from tubes...

leave everything on the field

leave everything on the field  v. phr.— «First he held forth at length the press conference for long stretches, then spent three solid hours that evening at the CBS party at the Rose Bowl, glad-handing critics on the stadium turf and...


RBS  n.— «The advantage to being an RBS, or Real Bearded Santa as it’s called in the industry, was clear. The men looked like, well, they looked like the real deal.» —“Jolly bunch goes extra mile for job” by Rosalind...

half mile of hell

half mile of hell  n.— «He competed in the pony chuckwagon and chariot races that are a staple of small town rodeos.…The race itself, around an oval field—affectionately known as the “half mile of hell”—is just as fast...