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hot stain

hot stain  n.— «Because there are what scientists call “hot stains’”…the parts of the Earth now running out of potable water. Hot stains include northern China, large areas of Asia and Africa, the Middle East, Australia...


buseum  n.— «The exhibit travels the Midwest in a renovate school bus, affectionately known as the “buseum.”» —“Traveling World War II exhibit to stop in Massillon on Thursday” in Massillon The...


hiving  n.— «Are you concentrating on plants that include new church buildings or plants that involve cell groups meeting in places such as homes and coffee shops? Sunset has opted for the more traditional model. This is what is called...

scratch and dent loan

scratch and dent loan  n.— «A company that invests in high-yield real estate debt is looking to buy loans that have been “kicked out” of commercial MBS deals. Midwest Equities of St. Louis has initially allotted $50 million for...


micropolitan  adj.— «The Brainerd lakes area, which would include Crow Wing and Cass counties, has been ranked the fourth-fastest growing “micropolitan” area in the Midwest and the 28th fastest nationally.» —“Lakes area...

talent bucket

talent bucket  n.— «It’s common knowledge here that the relatively warmer climes of destinations like San Francisco or Seattle have poked holes in the Midwestern talent bucket for years.» —“The Midwest” by Cathy...

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