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Miami Model

Miami Model  n.— «Many say they don’t want to subject themselves again to heavy-handed police tactics on display in Miami last fall during protests over the Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement—an aggressive approach to activists now...

Miami Model

Miami Model  n.— «In order for the Miami Model to work, the police first had to establish a connection between legitimate activists and dangerous terrorists.» —“The war on dissent; Heavy-handed police and propaganda tactics brought...

Miami Model

Miami Model n. a method of diminishing political protests by applying laws or methods designed to combat terrorism, especially those involving heavy use of non-lethal force. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

Miami Model

Miami Model  n.— «Among protestors, it has inspired a new phrase to describe the ruthless crushing of protests—”The Miami Model.” Protestors were attacked with rubber bullets, pepper spray, electric tazer guns, and shock...

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